Game Safety Regulations

The terms and conditions described on this page constitute the regulatory framework for contacting the game. Participation in the game presupposes their full acceptance by the players.

  • Players are required to sign a solemn declaration of liability, that the company will send them prior to their participation, and if deemed necessary.
  • Each team has a company employee to guide them. The employee performs as an NPC (Non Playable Character), in order to provide the groups with information and guidance. Players must comply immediately with the instructions they receive from their Guide.
  • Players must use only the appropriate routes that are drawn for the game purposes.
  • Players are forbidden to use alcohol and any kind of illicit substances during gaming hours.
  • Players must wear appropriate clothing (sportswear or clothing related to the role they play, as well as have with them proper hydration means).
  • Players must notify the company’s doctor of possible underline diseases (allergies, kindey diseases, cardio vascular, movability, autoimmune, blood related etc.).
  • In addition to interactions and tensions produced by the game design, players are forbidden to quarrel, act violently, speak vulgarly and offensively to teammates, local residents, shopkeepers and personell. They are also prohibited to offend religious, political and racial beliefs. The executives of the company are solemnly responsible to solve any misunderstanding or tension.
  • Objects of any kind that may cause injury, as well as thievery and any kind of harassment are expressly prohibited. Any deviation will result in penalty for the players and possible exclusion of the team.
  • Players are required to respect the natural habitats, not to contaminate them in any way, and exclusively use the materials made available to them, and/or installed by the company within the designated gaming areas. Any deviation from the rules will result in penalty for the players and possible exclusion of the team.
  • The program may undergo minor changes if deemed necessary for the game to run smoothly.
  • In case of extreme weather conditions and/or natural disasters, and in order to avoid life threatening events, there is a possibility that the game may be postponed.
  • Players must use only the game mechanics designed by the production team. Any deviation from these mechanics will result in penalty for the players and possible exclusion of the team.
  • Any deviation from the rules will result in penalty for the players and possible exclusion of the team.
  • The COMPANY is responsible for the players exclusively during the ingame hours, that is from 08:00 to 20:30, in a cycle of 3 hoors each.
  • The price includes game participation and no other benefits are available by the company, beyond those provided for the smooth running of the game.
Project Timetable
See the suggested game timetable