November is leaving, our new partnerships are staying! – 30/11/2018

The month may be coming to its end today and we will officially enter the festive December, but for us at Creators of Cosmos the festive atmosphere is pervasive, as we have worked hard to create new collaborations.

As part of the ‘Katastima sto Kentro’ action of ‘This is Athens – Polis²’ program, and after the completion of the preparatory phase, we are now producing a business development guide for the spinoff company, of the global renowned label Coco-mat. The guide regards the establishing of a business identity, developing communication and sales tools, as well as network development methods to be used by the newly established company.

Applying our innovative methodology for developing business executives and since our company is the only one to apply a holistic approach for the development of its employees’ skills, we held a meeting with the professor of the University of Western Attica, School of Engineering, Nikos Pneumatikos, in order to discuss with him the possibility of internship training in our company for Mr. George K., who is to undertake the position of our Environmental Engineer. The discussion was productive, and it was agreed that we should further look into our company’s ability to certify internships for students of Universities and Technical Schools.

We were delighted to welcome and host in the premises of the former Guru bar, on Theater Square, the L.A.R.P. Choir, which also hosts our employees to be, Alexander and Bora. The rehearsals of the team started on November 18th, 2018, and we hope that we will soon enjoy a live performance.

The cold-blooded murder of one of our fellow citizens last September, Jacques Kostopoulos, left a bitter taste in our mouths, mainly because of the personal acquaintance we had with him and the love for his work as an LGBTQI rights activist. All this time we were looking for a way to support his family, and the answer came through our collaboration with Ms. Loukia Damani and Mr. Spyros Georgakopoulos. These two artists had, long before the event, created a photographic project on the subject of gender roles under the tittle ‘Anabela’.

With their agreement, we decided to turn this photographic project into an interactive photography exhibition, which will include speeches and presentations on human rights regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, and political beliefs. We also agreed that the exhibitions revenue will be delivered to the victim’s family for the support of their litigation. That is the least we can do to honor our lost friend and social activist Zackie Oh! We thank both creators for trusting their work in our company, we hope we live up to your expectations.

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