Opening new operational paths! – 18/07/2018

Creators of Cosmos is pleased to announce the launch of two management and corporate governance programs it has developed as part of its business cycle.

The first tool regards the continuous support and development of existing and candidate employees. It is a comprehensive three-month vocational training and consultancy program. Within the program, candidates have the opportunity, alongside their professional advisor, to jointly evaluate their abilities and skills, identify personality traits that are relevant to their working lives, and explore perspectives of continuing training and lifelong learning during their partnership with the company, and thus have the opportunity of professional development. The tool was designed by Mario Chatzidamianos, Director of Communications and Business Development in 2012, as a Capacity Building Counselor, and has since been updated and used in a number of private and public human resources training programs, and recently been added to the OAED (Hellenic National Employment Service) toolkit for the provision of counseling services to unemployed individuals.

The second tool concerns corporate governance and is called MasterMind. It is a methodology for organizing and executing meetings of both management personnel with company employees and among management executives. All employees are involved in the meetings, having the opportunity to raise issues for discussion towards the management team, propose changes or new additions to the corporate governance toolkit, comment on and resolve issues related to the internal operation of the departments, coordinate and plan projects production, keep abreast of current developments in the operation of the different departments of the company as well as seek new ways for resolving issues that arise in their working environment.

The tool was launched to support the company’s business ethics orientation, and has been customized according to William Ouchi’s ‘Theory Z’ (creating strong links between organization and employees, employee involvement and involvement in all issues, lack of formal organizational structure and continuous development) and the ‘Μotivational Τheory’ of Chris Argyris, who proposed the transition from the existing pyramid organizational structure to the humanitarian system, a system of proprietorship and participatory management. According to the two theorists, whose views we’ve adopted, we have chosen to always operate with a positive attitude towards our employees and to make them responsible from the outset, involved in decisions and capable of operating independently of administrative control.

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